Close Protection Academy Ltd. recognises that promoting equality and diversity is essential to deliver quality, culturally appropriate training and support services to all sections of the community for which we serve. We are committed to practices that offer equality of opportunity to all employees, learners and service users.
Indirect Discrimination in relation to Disability
We recognise that there are physical requirements to be met for awarding body assessment outcomes and in certain circumstances disability may prevent those learners from meeting those criteria, for example door supervision practical demonstrations. We will attempt wherever possible to provide access arrangements for delegates where disability occurs and will seek advice from the IQA and EQA to ensure full compliance of qualification requirements by ensuring that no advantage is given.
Direct Discrimination
Close Protection Academy Ltd. embraces the diversity of its employees, learners and service users and endeavours to support the individual needs wherever possible. It is our policy that no applicant, learner, employee or service user, receive less favourable treatment on the grounds of their:
In some instances, the primary cause of inequality is direct discrimination i.e. prejudice, hatred, oppressive practice and lack of awareness is generally a more common contributor. This can lead to institutional barriers whereby the policies, procedures, systems and processes of an organisation systematically restrict or have an adverse effect to people receiving fair and equitable treatment.
Each employee, learners and service user of Close Protection Academy Ltd. has a right to dignity, respect and fairness and this is extended across all the services that we deliver. We are committed to improving the working lives of employees, learners and service users and will not tolerate violence, abuse or harassment. We actively encourage employees and learners to report any incident, however trivial it may seem, so it can be investigated and action taken where found to be necessary.
This policy compliments Close Protection Academy Ltd.’ values and beliefs and indicates our firm commitment to eradicate discrimination whether direct or indirect and to ensure equality of opportunity for all. Our commitment applies across the full spectrum of the community.
To achieve this, we will ensure that our employees, service users and learners support, understand and are responsive to objectives set out within this policy through appropriate challenge & support, training and development and effective management. We will develop our supplier contracts through equalities briefing sheets and procurement criteria.
Policy Statement
It is our policy that we will:
Legal Framework
General Procedures
Close Protection Academy Ltd. has the responsibility for the development of strategies, resources and structure to deliver the Equal Opportunities Policy through the leadership of Close Protection Academy Ltd. All decisions and proposed changes to services will consider the potential for adverse impact on Close Protection Academy Ltd. and employees, service users and learners’ equality.
Close Protection Academy Ltd. will review the views of employees, service users and learners and will consider of these in shaping and developing future services. This includes the provision of reasonable adjustment and communications.
Close Protection Academy Ltd. and Company Directors have the responsibility for implementing and monitoring of our Policies within the scope of their role. Equality and diversity are an organisational function and employees, service users and learners are responsible for ensuring the pro-active delivery and progress of equalities and diversity through communication and networking.
Close Protection Academy Ltd. and Company Directors are responsible in addition to their individual responsibilities for ensuring:
Staff Involvement
Close Protection Academy Ltd. will involve all employees, service users and learners and support them in the development and delivery of equalities and diversity. This may include consultation, email, verbal communication, internet and networking sessions.
All employees, service users and learners have a personal responsibility for ensuring that they work in a positive and non-discriminatory manner with all service users and colleagues. This responsibility is communicated and reinforced through the Equal Opportunity Policy, Discrimination Procedures and Harassment Procedures as well as through consultation, email, verbal communication, the World Wide Web and networking sessions.
Training and Development
Close Protection Academy Ltd. and Company Directors recognise the value of all employees, service users and learners and will support employees, service users and learners to deliver the values and principles of equality, individuality and diversity. We will identify the knowledge and skills required to deliver ethnic and culturally sensitive services across all aspects and where necessary provide training to enhance confidence and understanding. Close Protection Academy Ltd. employees will receive training in our policies and procedures and acknowledge their responsibilities under these.
Monitoring and Review Arrangements
Close Protection Academy Ltd. and Company Directors recognise that continual monitoring of equal opportunities is essential to the continued review of the effectiveness of all policies. To this end Close Protection Academy Ltd. and Company Directors will collate and monitor all information required by the laws of England and use this information to make decisions.
Harassment Procedures
Close Protection Academy Ltd. takes all allegations of harassment very seriously and has policies in place for the reporting and managing incidents of harassment, bullying intimidation and discrimination. It is the right of all employees, service users and learners to be treated with consideration and operate in an environment free from harassment, bullying, intimidation and discrimination. This is made through written policies and respective training.
This policy was approved by: Nicholas Player & Jillian Robertson 01/03/2025
Review Due 28/02/2026